Thursday, May 3, 2012

Relay for Life

I have always wanted to do a relay for a cause, but have known that with as heavy as I have been, I would never be able to finish a 5k or any type of relay/race/walk, so I always just sit back and watch. This past year, I have decided not sit back and watch anymore. It is my time to get healthy, lose weight, and join the masses. Since January, I have lost 20 pounds, I am eating healthier, and hitting the gym M-F after work. My blood sugar has been down, as well as my BP. So, when I saw all the ads for the Relay For Life event, I told myself, I am going to do this. I had been posting on Facebook that I wanted to get a team together. I wasn't getting any responses, but finally, I talked to Katrina, and between the two of us, we have gotten a team together. We will be participating in the Murrieta Relay For Life on June 2nd & 3rd. We could still use more team members if you are interested, and if you can't join us, maybe you can donate to this great cause. There is a link on my Facebook page if you would like to donate.I am so very excited. Our team name is 50 Shades Fighting and we have designed an awesome t-shirt for our team! It's going to be a great time for a great cause. I myself, am walking in memory of Phil Heldrich, one of my best friends husband who lost his battle with cancer in November 2010 at the age of 45, and for Princess Hayley(whom I only met once at my cousins wedding, but had me at Hello) who lost her battle in December 2011 at the mere age of 7, and for all the others that have lost their battle with this dreaded disease. I am also proud to walk in Honor of one of my best friends, Steve Ferrell, who is a Prostate Cancer Survivor. I hope to make this event an annual part of my life.
Thank You Katrina for helping me get this team together, and for keeping me on track. I couldn't have made it this far without you. :-)

To You and Yours,

Pictures from Left to Right: Phil & Chris Heldrich, Luminaria from Alexandria to her Dad(Phil), Candle in rememberance of Hayley, My Best Friend & cancer Survivor, Steve Ferrell. Hayley at my cousins wedding.(2 months before she passed away)


Steve Ferrell said...

A great commitment for a great cause Shari! Thanks for running!! xoxo

Katrina :) said...

Thank you too, Shari! :)