Monday, August 25, 2008

Angels Game Saturday August 23rd!

So I was just sitting home on Saturday..Blogging and the doorbell rang. I could see it was my neighbor, so I told Kyle to answer the door, as I was still in my Pajama's...and it was almost sad is that. Anyway, he said he had 2 tickets to the Angels game and asked if we wanted them. STUPID Question!! So I jumped in the shower and Kyle and I were off to the game. I was excited, as I had never sat in these seats. They are in the front row, by the foul pole in right field....on the homerun side. Unfortunetly, I had a terrible headache by the time I got there. We watched a couple of innings and got up to get some aspirin from first aid. Of course the inning we got up is when they scored 4 runs...go figure. So we got back, bought some cotton candy to share, and enjoyed the game. The game was going well, and then the Twins were catching up. We were still ahead, but I had just said..come on guys we need some insurance runs. Then all of a sudden, Texiara comes up to bat...still not real happy he took over for Kotchman, but he has been doing a great job for the team. Anyway, he hits one, and oh my is coming straight at me. It is a line drive home run. I thought about trying to catch it for a split second, then thought better of it and ducked. It almost took my head off. I was bummed as I would have loved to have that ball. Anyway, a few minutes later, I get a text message from Jennifer(my boss at the Storm), and she asks me, are you at the Angels game? I said yes, how did you know...she said...we just saw you on TV. OMG!! When I got home and watched the replay of the game, there I am, with my hands in front of my face, ducking out of the way. I am surprised that she could tell it was me. I am going to try and attach the video of the homerun. The second time they show it, that is me in the front row. What a DORK!!! LOL!! Best part is we won!! Okay...can't figure out how to attach it, but if you click on this link, it will get you to the video. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Katrina :) said...

All these posts... Oh me, oh my... I am in shock!
