Last night was so much fun. Left work, picked up Deborah and her mom, and off we went to Santa Ana to see The Alley Cats. We left Horsethief Canyon at 4:35 and made it to Santa Ana by 5:05, no traffic at all. Since we were so early we stopped of at Jerry's Dogs, a place I used to go when I worked at WestWorks. We had a quick dinner, and headed to the church. There we met up with, Laura, her sister Patty, and of course, Baby Andrea. Once we were finally able to get in, as the gates were locked where we parked, it was off to the show. We walked in and I saw Royce right away and gave him a big hug and his & Mando's gifts. He invited me back to the dressing rooms so they could open them. I made them each a Silver Record, with the label saying The Alley Cats 25 Year Anniversary-1987-2012. Then I listed all their CD's and DVD on the label. Put them in a frame, and there you have it. They both loved them. :-) I took a couple of pics, then went back out to sit with my friends. The show was wonderful, as it always is. I was introduced later as their #1 Stalker. (And I am Proud of that) Andrea did great during the show...she was even singing(okay kinda screaming, but a happy scream). After the show was over, we took some pics and headed home. I was home by 9:00ish. I then wanted to upload my pictures onto Facebook, then I decided to upload my videos to YouTube...big mistake. I had never done it before, and I couldn't remember my username or password, and I have a few out there with each email address. So, about 3 hours later, I finally was able to get into YouTube and upload my videos. LOL! Then I couldn't fall asleep. I finally fell asleep around 1:30am, and my alarm went off at 5:00am. Yep, I am really feeling it now!! I am exhausted. So, since it is pouring rain, and I just want to get home, I am leaving work, and going to once again hit my treadmill at home. I am really doing quite well. Have lost a total of 11 pounds, and feel healthy. So on that note, Peace Out Cub Scout!!
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