July was a fairly good month. My cousins from Virgina came to visit us in good ol'Southern California. It was so awesome seeing them. We had a great time. We went to Disneyland, Lucky Strike Bowling, Laguna Beach, and they came the Storm game for the 4th of July. It was just too bad that they could only stay for a few days, as I really wanted to spend more time with them. Kyle spent most of his days at football practice which he is still really enjoying! He can't wait for the season to actually start, which isn't until September. We had a pretty good earthquake this month also. It was a 5.8 or a 5.3 they kept changing it. It hit my parents house really hard, they had quite a bit of damage, but luckily no one was hurt. Kyle was home by himself, still laying in bed, and it scared him pretty badly. This was the first BIG earthquake that he had ever felt...and to be home alone, kinda freaked him out. Rick and I were both at work. No damages at our house or our works. The only real downfall of the month is that my Grandma was very ill and they didn't know how much longer she was going to live. We didn't have a great relationship until she moved to Southern California a couple of years ago. Now that she lived closer, Kyle and I would visit her more often, and we really enjoyed that time. When I found out how ill she was I wanted to go see her, but my parents advised against it, as she didn't know who anyone was, and my dad said she didn't even look like herself. He said it would be much better for me to remember her the way she was the last time I saw her. I had to go with his wishes.
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