Monday, August 25, 2008
Angels Game Saturday August 23rd!
So I was just sitting home on Saturday..Blogging and the doorbell rang. I could see it was my neighbor, so I told Kyle to answer the door, as I was still in my Pajama's...and it was almost sad is that. Anyway, he said he had 2 tickets to the Angels game and asked if we wanted them. STUPID Question!! So I jumped in the shower and Kyle and I were off to the game. I was excited, as I had never sat in these seats. They are in the front row, by the foul pole in right field....on the homerun side. Unfortunetly, I had a terrible headache by the time I got there. We watched a couple of innings and got up to get some aspirin from first aid. Of course the inning we got up is when they scored 4 runs...go figure. So we got back, bought some cotton candy to share, and enjoyed the game. The game was going well, and then the Twins were catching up. We were still ahead, but I had just said..come on guys we need some insurance runs. Then all of a sudden, Texiara comes up to bat...still not real happy he took over for Kotchman, but he has been doing a great job for the team. Anyway, he hits one, and oh my is coming straight at me. It is a line drive home run. I thought about trying to catch it for a split second, then thought better of it and ducked. It almost took my head off. I was bummed as I would have loved to have that ball. Anyway, a few minutes later, I get a text message from Jennifer(my boss at the Storm), and she asks me, are you at the Angels game? I said yes, how did you know...she said...we just saw you on TV. OMG!! When I got home and watched the replay of the game, there I am, with my hands in front of my face, ducking out of the way. I am surprised that she could tell it was me. I am going to try and attach the video of the homerun. The second time they show it, that is me in the front row. What a DORK!!! LOL!! Best part is we won!! Okay...can't figure out how to attach it, but if you click on this link, it will get you to the video. Enjoy!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
August 2008

Oh, I forgot to mention in my July Blog, that Rick and I celebrated our 18 year anniversary on July 28th. August should be a good month, as Rick, My Grandma, and my nephew all celebrate birthdays in August. We went to Rick's parents house for his birthday and went out to dinner to Joe's BBQ. It was really good, and we had a real good time. Here is where my month turns bad...the next day, around 3:00 I got a phone call from my mom that my grandma had passed away. Even though I knew it was coming, it still hit me quite hard. She passed away on August 4th, just one week before her 91st birthday. I am truly going to miss her, as like I said, she had become a very special part of my life over the past couple of years. There were no services, as my parents are taking her ashes as well as my grandpa's ashes back to Iowa in October for I didn't take any time off of work. It was better that I stayed busy...and that I did as Katrina had been quite ill(strep throat, bronchial pneumonia, pneumonia, a cracked rib), all this over a few weeks span..and had been out of work, then Joslynn got sick and was out for almost a week, so I was there keeping very busy!!! Which I think really helped me deal with my pain. I am happy to say that Katrina is back at work now and feeling much better. I was really concerned about her. I don't think I have ever known anyone to be that sick. I am so happy you are back Katrina and feeling better!! Kyle finished Hell Week, and has now started back to school. All was going well. A week ago Thursday, I woke up with a big deal...I get them all the time. I just put my drops in and went about my business. I noticed my Monday that it really wasn't getting any better. By Tuesday morning, I woke up and my eye was swollen shut. I took my shower and it looked a little better, at least I could see out of it. I went to work and tried to work...Katrina told me to go to Urgent Care. I had taken a picture of it and sent it to my mom...she also said..go to Urgent Care. So I left work at lunchtime and went to Urgent Care. The Dr. I saw was awesome. He knew exactly what it was and how to treat it in the future, but since I waited so long this time, I had an infection, and he gave me an antibiotic to get rid of that, and took me off of work for a day. My eye is still a little swollen, but not anything like it was on Tuesday. And to make my week even worse...I somehow pushed away a real good friend of mine. I am totally devastated. I just found him again about a year ago, and it was like we had never been apart. I hadn't seen or talked to him since about 1985. Our friendship had been restored. Then this week, all that went downhill. I think I try too hard...maybe I am just too giving...I don't know. I do know that I really care about this person, he was a great friend and I am REALLY going to miss talking to him. I just wish him well, and maybe sometime down the road, we will be able to work things out and be friends once again. I sure hope that September brings me better things than August did!!
July 2008

July was a fairly good month. My cousins from Virgina came to visit us in good ol'Southern California. It was so awesome seeing them. We had a great time. We went to Disneyland, Lucky Strike Bowling, Laguna Beach, and they came the Storm game for the 4th of July. It was just too bad that they could only stay for a few days, as I really wanted to spend more time with them. Kyle spent most of his days at football practice which he is still really enjoying! He can't wait for the season to actually start, which isn't until September. We had a pretty good earthquake this month also. It was a 5.8 or a 5.3 they kept changing it. It hit my parents house really hard, they had quite a bit of damage, but luckily no one was hurt. Kyle was home by himself, still laying in bed, and it scared him pretty badly. This was the first BIG earthquake that he had ever felt...and to be home alone, kinda freaked him out. Rick and I were both at work. No damages at our house or our works. The only real downfall of the month is that my Grandma was very ill and they didn't know how much longer she was going to live. We didn't have a great relationship until she moved to Southern California a couple of years ago. Now that she lived closer, Kyle and I would visit her more often, and we really enjoyed that time. When I found out how ill she was I wanted to go see her, but my parents advised against it, as she didn't know who anyone was, and my dad said she didn't even look like herself. He said it would be much better for me to remember her the way she was the last time I saw her. I had to go with his wishes.
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