Okay, I see my friends have this new blog site, so I thought I would give it a try. So I will start out this blog with a little about myself and family.
My name is Shari, and I am 42 years old. I have been married for 17 years to Rick and have an awesome son, Kyle. I am one of the biggest Angels fans around..I can't get enough of them. I look so forward to baseball season. I try to be a friend to all, and I value my friendships with all my heart(sometimes too much). I still have and still see some of my friends from grade school, as I don't think that just because we have gotten older, gotten married, and have families, that we should just forget about the people that were important in your life at one time or another. I don't know what I would do without the friends that I have as they all make my life complete and I just want to let you know, that I Love You guys!!!
I work for a Life Insurance Company as a case manager, and I really love it!! After teaching/directing a preschool for 18 years, and then was in the Mortgage business for 3 years, I think I have really found what I like to do. I have only been a case manager for a little over a year, but have met some great people. My boss, who is also a great friend, got me into this business, and I just want to thank her...so Thanks Kat!! I am also going to start a part-time job in April, I will be working for the Lake Elsinore Storm, which is the farm team for the San Diego Padres. I know it's not the Angels, but it is baseball, and I am really looking forward to it.
My husband right now is out of a job, so things are a little tough at times, but I have to say, I sure like that he can take my son to dentist appointments, and the whatnot, and he is also an awesome cook, so now dinner is his duty, and we aren't eating out or frozen dinners all the time...did I mention, I don't cook!! I can't believe we are eating real meals now...like tonight...Pot Roast and veggies...WOW!!! I don't know what we will do when he starts working again!!!
Kyle is a Freshmen and is doing quite well in Highschool and I am very proud of him. He played football for the first time in his life this year, and he just loved it. I didn't think he would make it past Hell Week, but he sure showed me!! He has played baseball since he was 4 years old, and I just thought he would just stick to that. He did not make the high school team, and was still going to play little league, but just decided to not play, as they do not have a senior team, and he really didn't want to play again on the Juniors again, so he is just going to focus on school and football for now. I just have to say, I don't think I could have asked for a better kid...he is funny, smart, and a PITA(at times) and I don't know what I would do without him.
So, now you have my life in a nutshell, and I will continue to write about my adventures....as it seems like I have a new one everyday!!!