I am… so ready to win the lottery
I want… to win the lottery
I wish…too win the lottery
I hate…too much drama
I miss…my Grandpa
I fear… losing family or friends
I feel...tired today
I hear…songs on the radio
I smell...?????
I crave... a margarita
I search…for old friends
I wonder…how my friend Steve is!
I regret…ending some friendships
I love…my family and friends
I care…way too much about what other people think
I ache…in my back...slept weird I think!
I believe…that things happen for a reason
I dance…not too much
I sing…really loud in the car when I am all by myself
I cry…too much lately
I don’t always…want to work
I fight... occassionaly
I write…not enough on my Blog..right Kat?
I never…want to see a family member or friend suffer
I listen…most of the time
I need…a vacation
I am happy…most of the time!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
So Over IT!!
So, I had a great weekend!! Friday night was our Varsity football game aganist Elsinore. We lost..it was pretty sad!! :( It was the first time we lost to them since 2003!! Oh well, guess it was time for them to win a game. After the game, Rick, Kyle and I went to In-N-Out for dinner..lots of Temescal Canyon people there, as well as Elsinore people. On Saturday, Kyle and I went to my parents house so he could do homework...as our computer is broken!! Had my mom dye my hair...so I don't get a senior discount anymore. LOL!! Went to my Nephews play and had a great time. Just chilled out on Sunday. So over my friend!! Who needs friends like that???? NOT ME!!! Alright...I'm out!! :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How could I be so STUPID????
Wow...I thought I was a better judge of people.....guess not!!! So my friendship is OVER with someone that I cared so much about. He was really a great friend and someone that I could confide in. Yes, we lost contact for 20 some years....but when we did find each other again, it was like we were never not talking. I am not really sure what happened, but we are done. I don't deserve to be spoken to the way that he did to me. I will never regret finding him and spending this last year talking to him and just picking up where we left off. Maybe it was just not the right time in either of our lives to think we could still be like we used to be....I don't really know. I have a real bad habit of being too nice to people that I care about...what the heck...I thought that is what you are supposed to do....my bad! I now have my guard up. I can't take the disappointment again. I am very sad right now, but I am a strong person and I will not let this get me down for too long. I will just go on enjoying my family and friends that I know love and care about me. I should have known better!! Going to go lay down and get rid of this headache and heartache!! TTFN!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I am so sad :(
Wow....I am so sad!! I can't believe I am letting a friend make me feel this way. I guess a real friend wouldn't make me feel this way...am I right?? Just so tired of being disappointed. I just want to cry right now. I will get it over it in time. Really thought this person was a friend forever...not so much!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Kyle's Special Night August 30th, 2008

Kyle had gone to several Storm games with me and had gotten to know several of the staff. Sean McCall, the Storm radio announcer on 1700am, was walking through the office one day, and I asked him where I might be able to find a Darrin Erstad Storm Jersey from when he was on the team many years ago....as I wanted to buy one for Kyle for Christmas. Kyle is a HUGE Erstad fan, so I knew if I could find one, it would be the best thing ever. Sean kinda laughed and said good luck finding one. Then he said...you know what, I think I have one in my closet upstairs. Kyle was sitting on the couch in the office, just talking and Sean comes back with a SIGNED Erstad jersey. He was just about to GIVE it to Kyle, when he decided he should ask some of the Storm Bigwigs...they said that they needed to hold on to that. Kyle was bummed but totally understood. He was speechless, just being able to see it and almost get it. Sean felt really bad, as he knew that Kyle would treasure it forever, and it was doing nothing hanging in his closet..but he had to do what they said. Sean told Kyle to come back to another game and he would see if he had anything else from the Erstad days. So, Labor Day weekend, Sean asked if Kyle was coming to any of the games, and I told him yes, to Saturday's game. He said...great...make sure he sees me. I said alright. Well, that was the day we went to Katrina's first, and of course, Kyle did not want to leave, he wanted to stay and hang out with Trevor. I told him, NO...I already told Sean you were coming to the game. Kyle was like, just tell him, something came up....you see, Sean had blown him off twice before this, so he was thinking it was going to happen again. I told him that Sean asked to see him, so he reluctantly came with me. He finally went up to the Press Box...and Sean wasn't in there yet....then I saw Sean in the office, and he asked me where Kyle was, and I said he had just gone upstairs to see you....so he went upstairs to find Kyle. About a half hour later, Kyle comes into the office...and he has a signed Erstad bat, and a HUGE smile. He day was made!! Sean told him to come back in the 3rd inning. Kyle went back upstairs, and I was listening to Sean online, so I know what is happening in the game...and the next thing you know, I hear...I have Young Kyle Teague with me tonight, a huge Storm fan and Darrin Erstad fan...he is the son of Shari Teague, who is a faithful Storm employee...all this was broadcast over the radio. I couldn't believe it. Kyle was up there for a few innings and then came back downstairs...by that time, Rick had come to the game. A little later, Rick and Kyle went back to see Sean, and this time he announces that he has Rick Teague, husband of Shari Teague, and Kyle Teague in the booth with him.....wow...announced on the radio twice in one night. Both Kyle and I. It was a cool night. Check out the picture of Kyle with his signed bat. You can barely see where it is signed...but it is!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Boring Weekend!!
So this weekend was really BORING!! Friday night was fun...It was the first Varsity game and I worked the Merchandise table. Saw lots of people I hadn't seen for a while, so it was nice to visit with some of them. And the Varsity won 42-20..we played Corona High School. Our Freshmen team won on Thursday, and our JV team lost!! The rest of the weekend I did absoulutely nothing!! Saturday I watched some of the SDSU football, which they lost to Notre Dame...and then I watched the Angels game which we ended up losing in the 15th inning. So SAD!! :(
On Sunday, I watched a little of the Angels game then Kyle and I went to the market, came home, and watched movies. I watched Knocked Up and How to Eat Fried Worms. I enjoyed both of them. Went to bed about midnight and woke up around 2:30 and could not go back to sleep...I am so flippin tired right now...and I have to work at the Storm tonight...not sure how I'm going to make it!!
On Sunday, I watched a little of the Angels game then Kyle and I went to the market, came home, and watched movies. I watched Knocked Up and How to Eat Fried Worms. I enjoyed both of them. Went to bed about midnight and woke up around 2:30 and could not go back to sleep...I am so flippin tired right now...and I have to work at the Storm tonight...not sure how I'm going to make it!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Lunch Today

Today we decided to eat cheap...so we ended up at Taco Bell! Katrina got a kids meal, and of course, what do you get with a kids meal at Taco Bell....."Goofy Googles" So, what do I decide to do? Try them on of course....and what does Katrina do...and if anyone knows Katrina, you already know she pulled out her camera phone and took a picture. So to make it fair, I also took one of her. We had so much fun!! We are such DORKS!! But hey, you gotta live a little. I have one of her hubby with them on too, but I don't think I should post it!! LOL!!
A Better Month?????
Trying hard to get back to my Happy Go Lucky Self. August was a really tough month for me, with my Grandma passing away, my great friend Katrina being so sick, and fighting with a friend who really means so much to me. I have vowed that September is going to be a great month. So far so good. Katrina is much better now, she had me really worried for a while...but all is good!! My friend and I are trying to work on our friendship once again...just many old issues to work out..but I have faith that all will work out in time. So lets talk about September....Katrina had Becky here from TDIC(well, she used to work at TDIC), for Labor Day Weekend...so I was able to meet her for the first time, and she is a wonderful person!! Katrina had a BBQ on Saturday, but I was unable to attend as I had to work at the Storm that night, so I stopped by, said Hi, met Becky and was off to work. Kyle had a great night at the Storm game..I will do a seperate blog about that. I came back to Katrina's after work, and they were all still swimming...I didn't have a bathing suit, so I just sat on the edge and put my feet in. This was about 10:30 when I got there, then her neighbor Scott came over, then her friend Trina came over, guess this was the late night gathering. I was talking to Scott about the Storm team, and he said he should take his son to a game...well, there were only 2 more regular season games, so I told him I would get him tickets for Sundays game, and Katrina asked if I could get 6 for her also...of course...no problem. We sat around till about 12:30 and just talked then I headed home. Went to work a little early so I could get the tickets put a will call for everyone. I was working the info booth that day, so I decided to put up special welcomes on the video board. They do this for birthdays, anniversarys and welcomes. They put up the person (s) name, and announce it mid 5th inning. I welcomed Scott and Sean...and Becky, Beth and Tyler. Well, Scott and Sean got there right when the game started, but unfortunetly, Katrina and Becky were late, as they had gone to Oceanside for the day, and just didn't make it back in time. When the welcomes came up, I was watching Scott and Sean for their reaction...it was too cool. They both looked at each other, smiled and high fived!! They had no idea I had done this. Sean came up later and thanked me!! Katrina, Becky and the kids got there right after the 5th inning..they just missed it....I tried to get them(Storm), to do it again but they wouldn't!! :( Oh well, it was the thought!! Was going to go to Katrina's after the game, but I wasn't feeling too good, so I just went home and went to bed!! Kyle had football practice at 7:00am on Monday and Rick had to work, so I pretty much did nothing on Monday for the Holiday....Oh well!!
The Storm made it to the playoffs, so I had to work Thursday....I was kinda bummed as that was Kyle's first JV game...but come to find out, he didn't even play...so no big deal!! I was really bored at work...as they had me on phones...so I decided to text our marketing guy from work..his name is also Scott...he had me laughing so hard!! He made the night fly by, and made it really enjoyable!! I then got Katrina involved in the texts, so I had to pass messages on back and forth from them too!! It was really fun!! The ticket office people kept looking at me, cuz I kept laughing....as I'm not supposed to be texting....so they just thought I was nuts....heck...maybe I am!!!
Tonight is our first Varsity game....and I am working the merchandise table...this is my job for all the home games. I really enjoy doing this, and I can still see the game.
So this is my September so far...and it's only going to get better....right??? You betcha!! Take care everyone...and I want to thank all my friends and family for all their love and support and putting up with me this past few months. Love ya!!
The Storm made it to the playoffs, so I had to work Thursday....I was kinda bummed as that was Kyle's first JV game...but come to find out, he didn't even play...so no big deal!! I was really bored at work...as they had me on phones...so I decided to text our marketing guy from work..his name is also Scott...he had me laughing so hard!! He made the night fly by, and made it really enjoyable!! I then got Katrina involved in the texts, so I had to pass messages on back and forth from them too!! It was really fun!! The ticket office people kept looking at me, cuz I kept laughing....as I'm not supposed to be texting....so they just thought I was nuts....heck...maybe I am!!!
Tonight is our first Varsity game....and I am working the merchandise table...this is my job for all the home games. I really enjoy doing this, and I can still see the game.
So this is my September so far...and it's only going to get better....right??? You betcha!! Take care everyone...and I want to thank all my friends and family for all their love and support and putting up with me this past few months. Love ya!!
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