Thursday, February 28, 2008
Okay, I am getting grief from Kat and Becky that I don't update my blog. Sorry, I live a BORING life, what can I say!!! Not much has been happening. We finally got our TV....and upgraded to HD. I can say I really enjoy watching TV downstairs now. What else is new....hmmmm...even though Kyle isn't playing baseball this year we went to opening ceremonies as I did sell raffle tickets, and I wanted to see if we won anything. We didn't win, but a workmate of mine did!!! She bought ONE ticket, and she only wanted to win the Wii. So the second prize that they were drawing for was the Wii. And yes, she won it!! It was unbelievable. Nobody could believe it. So I called her, as she works in the Lake Forest office, and she drove out to pick up her Wii.....she was soooooooo excited!!! Other then that, not much is going on. Rick is still out of a job, so we have been staying home a lot, don't really have the money to go out and do a whole lot. The house is getting clean though....seems like everyday, Rick is cleaning that is a good thing. Maybe soon we can have people over again!! Kyle is doing well....he is liking the off season from football as they now do weight lifting and running and he loves it. His birthday is in a couple of weeks....I can't believe he is going to be 15! Only 1 more year and he will be driving!! OMG!!!!! So that is about it for now. I promise to blog more often....maybe something exciting will happen...yeah right!!! LOL!!! TTYL!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentine's Day 2008
It was the most exciting day of my life......NOT!! My husband did call me at work to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day...and that was the highlight of my day! Went home after work and Rick and Kyle were waiting in the truck for me so we could go get a TV. We went to Wal-Mart, Costco, and Best Buy. Still did not come home with a TV!! Go figure!! While at Costco, Kyle said he was hungry, so I said....lets just get a hot dog and soda!! He was really upset about that as he does not like hot he got pizza instead! He wasn't too thrilled about that either!! Oh well!! So that was my exciting Valentine's least it was spent together with the family!! It could have been worse...I think!! LOL!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
ANGELS BASEBALL--Right Around the Corner!!

So the time is getting closer for Angels Baseball to begin!! I can't wait!! They made several trades, some that I am not so happy about...but hey, it needed to be we are going to win the World Series this year. I am just happy to see Kotchman and Quinnlan still on the team...Yes they are my favorites.....of course I love the others too!! I miss my old Angels too...Jim Edmonds, Darren Erstad, David Eckstein, The Molina Brothers, and of one can ever replace The King Fish!! If anyone ever wants to go to a game..count me in!! As long as I am not working at my second job...which is for the Lake Elsinore Storm...the farm team for the San Diego Padres!! (they used to be the Angels farm team, but now they are the Quakes!!) Well, one good thing is that Jim Edmonds was just traded to the Padres, so if he ever gets hurt and needs to rehab, he will be there!! Cool huh? He is probably one of the nicest players I have ever met!! Oh...just in case you haven't figured it out yet....I love the Anaheim Angels and baseball!! Seems I can never get enough!! I am a little sad this year, as Kyle has decided not to play Little League...he has played ever since he was 4 years old!! Just wasn't going to work out with his school schedule and football!! I will still frequent the baseball field and keep score, as they always need scorekeepers!! See you all at Angels Stadium!!

What Else Could go Wrong..and it's only February!
So on Saturday night, our TV made a loud pop, and there it went...and we just got it barely 4 years ago. So then on Sunday, when I was on the computer a little balloon popped up and said I needed to do a disc scan...well, I ignored it, turned off the computer and we went looking for a new TV. Came home, Rick decided to look up the reviews for the TV's we looked at, and we could not even boot up the computer. So now, no TV and no computer. Oh NO...we might need to talk to each other now..J/K!! So on Monday I called Paul to ask him what we could do about our computer, and he said he would take a look at it. He said it sounded like it was all screwed up!! Well, as most of you know...I don't let anyone in my house...pretty messy!! Well, seeing as Rick told me to have him come over, we started cleaning like crazy. We had 2 hours to get the house presentable. Funny how much can get down when everyone pitches in!! So when Paul got there, it wasn't so bad. He was able to fix the computer within 30 minutes...wasn't as bad as he had thought. I had ordered we had some pizza and beer...that was his payment...he's easy, and then he went home. Rick has been cleaning more each day...pretty soon we may be able to have people over again. So we have still been trying to figure out what TV to get...seeing as we are going to have to put some money out there, we want to make sure we are getting the most out of it. I think we are going tonite to get one. What a nice Valentine's day huh? Oh well, we don't do anything anyway! Well that is all for now. I will let you know if we ever get a TV. Hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day!! TTYL!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Work Outing
Friday up, got ready, Katrina met me at my house, loaded her bags, and off to pick up Joslynn. Picked up Joslynn(once we found her house), loaded her bags, and off to Lake Forest for a day full of meetings. Arrived with 5 minutes to spare...traffic sucked...but what else is new!! Got to meet Kimberly and Nichole for the first time which was very cool...and it was very nice seeing the others in Lake Forest too!! Had a nice lunch sponsered by AIG...Thanks Matt! After our day was over, we were off to the hotel to check in and "freshen up" before going to the Improv (sponsered by Lincoln Financial) at the Irvine Spectrum. We get to the hotel...right across the street from the home office..and check in....Katrina, second floor room 208, Joslynn, second floor room 206, Shari, third floor room 315....WTF???? They have rooms right next to each other and I am up on the next floor?? Oh well!! So we finally are ready to go, and of course, I miss the offramp for the Spectrum...have to turn around, get back on the freeway, and finally make it to the Spectrum and the Improv. Had a very nice dinner, and a drink..."Sex On The Stage", it was really good!! LOL!! The comedians were really good, they even pulled Byron on stage, I was LMAO!! It was great!! When that was over, Katrina, Joslynn, Kimberly, Nichole and I went over to the Yardhouse for a drink. Didn't stay long as we knew we still had lots to do on Saturday. So we said goodbye to Kimberly and Nichole and we were off to the hotel, where I did not fall asleep until 3:00am and woke up at 6:30am. Talk about tired!! Had to be at FPG at 8:30, so we checked out of the hotel and went to work. Saturday was a little more fun, more personal stuff then work stuff! We were done at 1:00 and we were on our way home. Needless to say, we hit traffic on the "91" and after dropping Joslynn off, stopping by the baseball field for a few minutes(needed to drop off some money), and dropping Katrina off half way home(Scott met us) I didn't get home until 3:15! That was a long day! I came home, put my stuff down, went upstairs and took a nap..45 minutes, and felt much better. Now today, I can hopefully just relax...but I doubt it!!

Happy Hour With Heather
Thursday evening after work, I met Heather(one of our agents) at TGIFridays in Corona. We had a great time just talking and eating yummy appitizers. Of course I got my "June Bug"mmmmmgooood!! Heather is prego, so she had a sprite...Don't worry Heather, once the baby is born we will go out for drinks!! My friend Paul called out of the blue on his way home from work, and Heather said, to have him come on over too. So Paul joined us, had a few beers, made us laugh...he is a pretty funny guy, and then we headed home. I still had to pack for my weekend meeting in Lake Forest, so I didn't want to be out too late. We are planning on going out again on Feb.21st, so Katrina can join us this time. I can't wait!!! Thanks Heather....I had a great time!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Dinner with My BFF David and Katrina
On Monday, I finally got to meet my BFF David. He is an agent that I work with. I can't remember how it happened, I think it was do to me calling him all the time about his applications, that he said, wow, you're my BFF since we talk so much...LOL!! And ever since then we have called each other BFF's. Anyway, he was in the area, so he came to our office, and I finally got to meet him. He is a real great guy! After we talked for a while, Kat, David and I went out to Chili's for dinner. We had a great time....even though Kat and David picked on me the whole time. Don't you worry, they will get their's in due time. LOL!! Thanks for dinner, David...that was very nice of you!!
My BORING Weekend!!!
Well lets see....Friday night after work, went home picked up Rick and Kyle and went to Target. Kyle spent his Christmas gift cards on Guitar Hero III for his Wii. We decided to go to Panda Buffett for dinner. Kyle just wanted to get home and play his game..go figure. So we ate and went home. I went upstairs to watch a movie...I think I chose "School of Rock" and fell asleep while watching it. Kyle played his game and Rick watched TV. About 2:00am Kyle woke up in major pain...doubled over. Said his stomach was killing him. I don't think I have ever seen him in so much pain. He wasn't getting sick, just feeling terrible. At one point I thought we may be headed for the hospital. I finally got him to relax, we went downstairs and watched TV until he fell asleep around 3:45am. Once he was asleep, Rick was up with his stomach feeling like it was on fire, and not feeling well at all. So it had to be something that he and Kyle ate at more Panda Buffett for us!! Needless to say, Rick and Kyle slept in late on Saturday, but both were feeling better when they woke up. We finally got moving around 3:00 and went to the market...not real fun to do as a family...I like going by myself and getting it done. So we finished with that went home, put everything away, and went back out to Target(Kyle wanted a new face plate for his Guitar). They didn't have any...bummer!! Ran to the 99 cent store and then home. Rick made dinner...Kyle played Guitar Hero, and I watched TV. Sunday we just stayed home, made some Super Bowl snacks, and watched the game. I was routing for the Giants and they won....I was so happy!!! I love Eli Manning!! Watched House with Rick, then went to bed. See....I told you my weekend was boring!! Oh well!!!
Our FUN lunch!!
Okay, so on Thursday Katrina was having a bad day, so we decided to go out for lunch, and Mexican food sounded really good. But I didn't want pretend mexican food...I wanted good and real mexican food, a place that served "chips and salsa". So Katrina gave me some choices, we were on our way to the place we thought we were going to and as soon as I got to the light to turn in, we changed our minds and decided to go to a place that I had just passed. So I ripped a u-turn and headed back. Wow, that driveway came up really quick, but thats cool, there was another driveway to turn into. Oh shit, thats an exit, figured that when I almost hit the truck that was trying to come out....decided not to go in that way, swerved back into traffic...oops, and made my own lane to turn into the next driveway, I was just going to turn place to turn around, so I thought I would just drive around to the back of the building and follow it around and out....nope it took me into an underground parking lot, which needed a remote to get in, but the gate was opening, so I drove in to turn around, all the while, Katrina is pretending to be scared and hyperventilating...I was able to turn around and get out before the gate locked us in...LOL!! We then went and had a great lunch...really good "chips and salsa" rocked out to Led Zepplin on the way back to work, and just had to laugh at our adventure. Who would have thought that going to lunch could be so much fun!!!!
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